beat365最新版下载博∕硕士导师信息表 |
姓 名: |
于泉 |
性 别: |
女 |
出生年月: |
1985.7 |
职 称: |
副教授 |
学历学位: |
研究生/博士 |
联系方式: | |
研究方向: |
分布式存储,云存储,云/边缘计算,智能缓存,无线通信网络 |
主要学术经历: |
2016/12-至今,beat365手机官方网站,beat365最新版下载 2014/11-2017/3,香港城市大学/香港中文大学,电子工程系/网络编码研究所,博士后 2009/09-2014/10,香港城市大学,电子工程系,博士 2005/09-2009/6,华中师范大学,电子信息工程,学士 |
主要学术成果: |
主要学术成果: 1.Q. Yu*, C. W. Sung, and T. H. Chan, “Irregular fractional repetition code optimization for heterogeneous cloud storage,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), May 2014, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1048-1060. (SCI,中科院1区) 2.Y. Fu, Q. Yu*, Q. S. Quek, and W. Wen. “Revenue maximization for content-oriented wireless caching networks (CWCNs) with repair and recommendation considerations”. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Jan 2021, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 284-298. (SCI,中科院1区) 3.Y. Fu, Q. Yu*, Angus K. Y. Wong, Z. Shi, H. Wang and Q. S. Quek. “Exploiting coding and recommendation to improve cache efficiency of reliability aware wireless edge caching networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021.(SCI,中科院1区) 4.Y. Liao, X. Qiao, Q. Yu*, and Q. Liu. “Intelligent dynamic service pricing strategy for multi-user vehicle-aided MEC networks”. Future Generation Computer Systems. vol. 114, pp. 15-22, Jan. 2021.(SCI,JCR Q1) 5.Q. Yu, K. W. Shum, and C. W. Sung, “Tradeoff between storage cost and repair cost in heterogeneous distributed storage systems,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Oct. 2015,vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1201-1211. (SCI,JCR Q2) 6.Y. Liao, L. Shou, Q. Yu*, Q. Ai, and Q. Liu. “Joint offloading decision and resource allocation for mobile edge computing enabled networks”. Computer Communications. vol. 154, pp. 361-369,Mar. 2020. (SCI,JCR Q2) 7.Y. Liao, Y. Han, Q. Yu*, Q. Ai, and Q. Liu. “Wireless body area network mobility-aware task offloading scheme”. IEEE Access. Vol. 6, pp. 61366-61376, Oct. 2018. (SCI,JCR Q1) 8.Y. Liao, Q. Yu*, Y. Han, and MS Leeson. “Relay-enabled task offloading management for wireless body area networks”. Applied Sciences-Basel. vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 2018. (SCI,JCR Q2) 9.Y. Liao, L. Shou, Q. Yu*, Q. Ai, and Q. Liu, “An intelligent computation demand response framework for IIoT-MEC interactive networks”. IEEE Networking Letters. vol 2, no. 3, pp. 154-158, Sep. 2020. 10.Q. Yu, X. Zeng, Y. Liao, and Q. Ai, “Storage-repair tradeoff for hierarchical distributed storage systems”. Proc. of IEEE SmartWorld Congress. pp. 1650-1654, Leicester, UK, Aug. 2019. 11.G. Xu, B. Tang, H. Lu, Q. Yu, and C. W. Sung, “LIPA: A learning-based indexing and prefetching approach for data deduplication,” in Proc. International Conf. on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST 2019), USA, Feb. 2019. (CCF B类会议) 12.Q. Yu, C. W. Sung, and T. H. Chan, “Locally repairable codes over a network,” in Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Nov. 2014, pp. 70-74. 13.Q. Yu, C. W. Sung, and T. H. Chan, “Repair topology design for distributed storage systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2012, pp. 7009-7013. 14.Q. Yu, K. W. Shum, and C. W. Sung, “Minimization of storage cost in distributed storage systems with repair consideration,” in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Houston, Texas, United States, Dec. 2011, pp. 1-5. 15.C. W. Sung, K. W. Shum, Q. Yu, and G. Xu, “Maximally recoverable codes: connections to generic network coding and maximal matching,” in Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov. 2017, pp. 36-40. 16.J. Chen, K. W. Shum, Q. Yu, and C. W. Sung, “Sector-Disk codes and partial MDS codes with up to three global parities,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Hong Kong, Jun. 2015, pp. 1876-1880. |
主要在研项目: |
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,61801342,拓扑感知局部修复码在异构分布式存储系统中的研究与应用,主持 2. beat365手机官方网站自主创新基金自由探索项目,193209001,适用于云存储系统的安全可靠编码机制研究,主持 |